Alfredo Castellanos Bayouth Esq., the founder of Castellanos Group P.S.C., is an accomplished Federal Court Certified mediator/arbitrator. He has been approved and completed the Harvard Law School, MIT the Program of Advanced Mediation: Mediating Complex Disputes. He has been accepted and completed the most exclusive Harvard Negotiation Master Class with the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and he has completed the Program of Negotiation from Harvard Law School’s Executive Education for Mediating Disputes and Negotiation Institute.
Mr. Castellanos extensive legal and business experience in a wide variety of industries is especially relevant for disputes involving parties from different legal systems and cultures. Castellanos Group P.S.C. offers full range of Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) Services at competitive rates including:
– International arbitration, mediation and other dispute resolution.
– Investor arbitration and investor-state disputes.
– Securities arbitration.
– Pre-bankruptcy and bankruptcy mediation.
Our team is fully bilingual in English and Spanish.
Call us at +1 (787) 641-8447 today to schedule your no-obligation initial consultation.- Class 2017 MIT-Harvard Advanced Mediation Workshop: Mediating Complex Disputes
- Certificate of Completion – Harvard Negotiation Master Class
- Class 2017 Harvard Negotiation Master Class Advanced Strategies for Experienced Negotiators
- Certificate of Completion – Harvard Law School/MIT Premiere Executive Mediation Program.
- Class 2016 Harvard Mediation Class
Alfredo Castellanos Bayouth Esq.
Alfredo Castellanos Bayouth Esq. is currently appointed as a Federal Monitor regarding the Puerto Rico Police Department Reform. Previously was appointed as a Special Counsel with Ex-Chief Justice of Puerto Rico’s Supreme Court, Mr. Federico Hernández Denton: Sixth Federal Court Appointment for the Health Reform, as well as the Constitutional and Legal Advisor to the Federal Monitor (TCA) and to the Federal District Court, regarding the Puerto Rico Police Department Reform. Currently Mr. Castellanos server as senior counsel in the Puerto Rico Police Department Reform along with Ex-Chief Justice of Puerto Rico’s Supreme Court, Mr. Federico Hernández Denton.
Effective January 1st, 2020 Mr. Castellanos, Esq. was appointed JCC Federal Monitor (a deputized judicial officer) in Intellectual Disabilities Health Reform Case of Puerto Rico. Previously, in January 2019 Mr. Castellanos, Esq. was appointed Special Master by United States Federal District Court for the District of Puerto Rico to preside over public hearings in Health Reform Case. Before that, in December 2016, the Federal Court expanded Alfredo Castellanos’ role as Deputy JCC-Monitor in an intellectual disability health reform case pending before the Court (Eighth Court Appointment as Federal Deputy JCC-Monitor). The Court also requested in its order that he remains in a dual capacity as Legal and Constitutional Advisor with Retired Chief Justice of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Supreme Court, the Hon. Federico Hernandez Denton. In 2016 Mr. Castellanos was appointed as a Deputy and Acting Monitor regarding the Intellectual Disability in the Health Reform of Puerto Rico. In October 2018 Mr. Castellanos, Esq. was appointed Lead Federal Monitor in the Health Reform case by the Federal Court.
The extensive list of Mr. Castellanos’ achievements includes a successful litigation against Don King Productions in the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York and against the King of Pop, singer Michael Jackson in California.
In May 2019, Mr. Castellanos, Esq. was appointed for a three (3) year term as a member of the District Examination Committee; United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico. A past president of the Federal Bar Association, Puerto Rico Chapter and a current Life Fellow of the Federal Bar Association and Former Chair, FBA Council of Past Presidents, he is also the author of numerous articles that have been published in the FBA newsletter. Recently he was invited to speak about the role of federal courts in police reform at the Federal Bar Association’s 2016 Annual Meeting and Convention in Cleveland, with Hon. Gustavo A. Gelpí, U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico.
In addition to his successful legal practice, Alfredo Castellanos, Esq. is a well-known legal and political commentator in Puerto Rico. He has participated as a legal analyst in Noti-Uno, the number one rated news radio station in Puerto Rico, and he has frequently participated as a legal and political analyst in several local radio stations and television programs, such as ‘En Directo con Ruben Sanchez’ and ‘El Tribunal Cristiano’ (The Christian Court – which airs in the mainland through various cables carriers.)
Alfredo Castellanos, Esq. has also hosted his own radio program called ‘Decisión 2008 con el Lcdo. Alfredo Castellanos’, did almost daily political, and legal economic analysis. Was the co-host, with fellow attorney and President of the Democratic Party in Puerto Rico, Roberto Pratts, of ‘Analysis 630’ which became the number one rated radio program in its time slot ( 7:00 p.m.) in Puerto Rico. He hosted ‘Línea Directa con el Lcdo. Alfredo Castellanos’ on Sundays and was the legal analyst every Wednesday in ‘La Mirilla’ with Luis Dávila Colón, the number one rated radio program in Puerto Rico.
- Approved in the Harvard Law School/MIT the Program of Advanced Mediation: Mediating Complex Disputes – completed June 2017
- Accepted to the Harvard Law School/MIT Negotiation Master Class Advanced Strategies for Experienced Negotiators – completed March 2017
- Completed the Harvard Law School/MIT Program of Negotiation from Harvard Law School’s Executive Education for Mediating Disputes and Negotiation Institute – October 2016
- Law School, University of Puerto Rico (Top Law School in Puerto Rico) Río Piedras Campus
- 1986 Robert H. Smith School of Business University of Maryland, BA
Special Achievements at Law School:- Founder of the “Asociación de Estudiantes de Derecho Federalistas” Federalist Student Association.
- Recognized by the Dean with a Leadership Merit Recognition Award.
- Law Clerk in the prestigious Law Firm in The Golden Mile, of Martínez, Odell, Calabria & Sierra.
- 1982 Colegio San José, Preparatory School, Rio Piedras
- 1979 Georgetown Preparatory School
Preparatory School founded in 1789, one of the top ten high schools in the US for the last 63 years.
University of Maryland (Robert H. Smith School of Business)
- Dean’s List Student
- Phi Delta Gama Honor Society
- Studied International Marketing, among other subjects, at the Imperial College London for 2 semesters (first student to be authorized by the University of Maryland to study abroad in the London Program for two semesters).
- Selected in 1983 and 1984 for the Lyndon B. Johnson Congressional Summer Internship Program with Resident Commissioner (Congressman), Hon. Baltasar Corrada del Rio.
- University of Maryland Boxing Champion – middleweight (April 1983) .
- 2013 to present: Castellanos Group P.S.C. – Senior and Founding Partner
- 2006 to 2013: Castellanos & Castellanos Law Firm – Senior and Founding Partner
- 1995 to 2005: Castellanos Law Firm, P.S.C. – Senior and Founding Partner
- 1992-1994 – Sierra & Serapión – Senior Associate – Litigation Department
- 1991 – 1992 Co-Campaign Manager for Carlos Díaz Olivo – Candidate for Mayor of San Juan for the NPP (Pro Statehood Party)
- 1990 – 1991 Martínez, Odell, Calabria, and Sierra – Associate – Litigation Department
- 1986- 1990 Martínez, Odell, Calabria and Sierra – Law Clerk
- 1987-1988 Communications Director for Candidate for Resident Commissioner, Dr. Pedro Rossello, future two term Governor of Puerto Rico.
- Between 1996 and 2000
Investor and Director of Bright Future, Inc. owner and operator of an 150 plus employee restaurant named “Fussion” and “Todo Tapas inc.,” which owned and operated two restaurants in Puerto Rico. - Between 1987-1990
Founder and sole owner of Contemporary Art Services, Inc., (CAS) the first art leasing company in Puerto Rico.
- Between 2000-2002, through Cast Entertainment, Inc., (sole owner and founder) managed the artistic careers of Mexican artists Ms. Alejandra Guzman and Mr. Pablo Montero.
- Global Producer of Ms. Guzman’s first Latin Grammy Award winning sound recording SOY. Best Spanish Rock Album of the Year (2001)
- In May 2019, Mr. Castellanos, Esq. was appointed for a three (3) year term as a member of the District Examination Committee; United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico.
- In January 2019 Mr. Castellanos, Esq. was appointed Special Master by United States Federal District Court for the District of Puerto Rico to preside over public hearings in Health Reform Case.
- Life Fellow of the Foundation of the Federal Bar Association, the highest recognition given at a National Level to any member of the Bar.
- Keynote Speaker at the Celebration of 60th Anniversary of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico’s Constitution Day, invited by former Governor of Puerto Rico, Hon. Luis G. Fortuño and former Secretary of State, Hon. Kenneth McClintock.
- More than 10 million miles traveled Mr. Castellanos has traveled more than 10 million miles,and visited over a 150 countries and 500 cities throughout the world.
- In January 2020, Mr. Castellanos, Esq. was appointed appointed JCC/Chief Monitor in Intellectual Disabilities Health Reform Case of Puerto Rico.
- In May 2019, Mr. Castellanos, Esq. was appointed for a three (3) year term as a member of the District Examination Committee; United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico.
- In January 2019 Mr. Castellanos, Esq. was appointed Special Master by United States Federal District Court for the District of Puerto Rico to preside over public hearings in Health Reform Case.
- In October 2018 Mr. Castellanos, Esq. was appointed Lead Federal Monitor in the Health Reform case by the Federal Court.
- Eighth Court Appointment as Federal Deputy JCC-Monitor in a intelectual disability health reform case pending before the Court.
- The Bill of Rights and Constitutional Litigation Professor at Catholic University School of Law (December 2016)
- Accepted and completed the Harvard Law School’s Executive Education for Mediating Disputes. (October 2016)
- Invited to speak about the role of federal courts in police reform at the Federal Bar Association’s 2016 Annual Meeting and Convention in Cleveland, with Hon. Gustavo A. Gelpí, U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico.
- Currently appointed as Special Counsel with Ex-Chief Justice of Puerto Rico’s Supreme Court, Mr. Federico Hernández Denton: Sixth Federal Court Appointment for the Health Reform.
- Certified by the Judge’s Committee of the Federal District Court for the District of Puerto Rico as Court Mediator/Arbitrator (March 2015).
- Currently the Constitutional and Legal Advisor to the Federal Monitor (TCA) and to the Federal District Court, regarding the Puerto Rico Police Department Reform along with Ex-Chief Justice of Puerto Rico’s Supreme Court, Mr. Federico Hernández Denton.
- Invited to speak at the American University School of Law in March, 2014, about Constitutional Challenges for the case of Puerto Rico.
- Invited to participate in 2014, for the sixth consecutive year as a Final Round Judge for the FBA Thurgood A. Marshall Memorial Moot Court Competition in Washington D.C., held at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, in which Judges for the Federal District, Circuit Court and the National President of the FBA are participants. In 2003, wrote the Moot Court Competition question.
- Invited to attend a special ceremony to induct the Hon. Justice Clarence Thomas at the Supreme Court of the United States, as a Lifetime Fellow of the FBA. Have participated in other special induction ceremonies by members of the Federal District Court and the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico, as the induction ceremony as a Lifetime Fellow of the FBA of acting Justice the Hon. Sonia Sotomayor, among other special ceremonies held by the Federal District Court For The District of Puerto Rico.
- Frequent interviews with “Zona Política”-Univisión América hosted by Hellen Aguirre 2012-2013.
- In 2013, Mr. Castellanos was invited by the League of United Latin American Citizens ( LULAC) to speak at their yearly convention about Constitutional rights.
- Member of the District Examination Committee of the Federal District (Puerto Rico) since 2008 ( have been appointed to serve for three consecutive terms by the District Court).
- Have been exempt by the Commonwealth’s Supreme Court from any and all continued education requirements, as well as any criminal Court Appointed work.
- Between 2008 – 2012, while practicing law, also served as a Special Advisor to the Commonwealth’s Secretary of Corrections (Hon. Carlos Molina and his successor the Hon. Jesús González) on the longest lasting prisoner civil rights litigation in the history of the United States. Also, was awarded a special distinction for assisting the Secretary in the closing of several legal disputes in the Morales Feliciano case.
- Between 2008 – 2012, served as a Special Advisor to the Commonwealth’s Secretary of The Department of Consumer Affairs Secretary, Hon. Luis Rivera Marin. Also, was responsible for creating a new division in the Agency for anti-discrimination practices in the consumer market in Puerto Rico; drafted all the related rules and regulations for the newly created division of the Agency.
- In May 2008, was elected unanimously as the first Chairman of the Council of Past Presidents of the Federal Bar Association , Puerto Rico Chapter.
- In 2008, was lead counsel in the negotiations and contracts of the sale of Cafe Yaucono by The Jimenez Group to Puerto Rico Coffee Roasters, Ltd., an established company, with chairman and main shareholder Alberto de la Cruz, who also chairs Coca Cola Puerto Rico Bottlers Corporation.
- Invited by the Senate of Puerto Rico as a Key Speaker to comment on Constitutional and Political issues concerning proposed legislation intended to convert our local legislature from a Bi-Cameral legislative body to a Unicameral one, among other topics.
- Invited by the Senate of Puerto Rico as a Key Speaker to comment on an Economic Development Plan concerning proposed legislation intended to develop the creation and distribution of the record label industry in Puerto Rico, among other topics.
- In July 4th, 2007, Mr. Castellanos filed his candidacy for Resident Commissioner for the New Progressive Party to represent the people of Puerto Rico in Congress
- In 2007, was awarded by The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) as the year’s most important defender of civil rights.
- In 2005 invited as main speaker by the Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico, to give a lecture on the United States Constitution .
- Has litigated extensively around the United States, obtaining favorable verdicts., among the most notables, the famous case against Don King Productions in the Federal District Court of the District of New York and against Mama Concert & Rau and Michael Jackson in California.
- Currently, actively involved in giving lectures throughout Puerto Rico and the Mainland about the existing relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States.
- Made headline news with the opinions as an expert commentator for the now extinct San Juan Star, the only Pulitzer Prize winning publication in Puerto Rico during it’s publication.
- Recognized by the Foundation of the Federal Bar in Washington, D.C. for his achievements and contributions to the legal profession at the yearly Fellows Dinner held in Washington, D.C.
- Frequent guest as a political, international and legal commentator at both local and national news programs .
- Participates as an expert commentator for political and legal analysis on Televicentro, Channel 4 news, WAPA America and Univision TV and Univision America.
- Was a member of a weekly television panel of political analysts at the program “Primera Plana con Rubén Sánchez” which is broadcast every Friday at 4:00 p.m. EST by Wapa America.
- Also, appeared as a political commentator in the television program “Que suerte con Marcano” which was broadcast by Univision Network.
- In 1999 elected as President of the Federal Bar Association, Puerto Rico Chapter. At the time, was the youngest President ever elected to preside a chapter of the Federal Bar Association in the United States.
- Between 1997 and 2000, was an active member of the Hispanic National Bar Association, and received a special distinction for his drive to recruit new members and for his work in raising money for scholarship grants. Special speaker at the yearly convention held in Albuqerque, New Mexico.
- Successful litigation on behalf of Whitney Houston and Nippy, Inc., and against Don King Productions in the Federal District Court of the District of New York and against Michael Jackson in California,
- In 1993, was personally invited to the Swearing-In Ceremony of the President of Honduras.
- In 1992, attended the Republican National Convention as member of the Puerto Rico delegation.
- In 1989, was invited by the Hon. Pedro Rossello and the Gov. Don Luis A. Ferre to a Summit of Statehood Organizations to work on the plebiscite vote.
- In 1989, was appointed by the President of the PNP and Ex-Governor Carlos Romero Barcelo to the Rules and Regulations Committee of the Party.
- In 1987, was appointed by the President of the PNP to the Party’s Platform Committee
- Invited as Speaker in the Swearing-In Ceremonies of Chief Judge Hector Laffitte, Chief Judge Gerardo Carlo of the Bankruptcy Court, and then Magistrate Judge Gustavo Gelpí, today an Article III District Judge.
- Had own radio program on NotiUno on Sunday afternoons called “Linea Directa con el Licenciado Alfredo Castellanos” as a political and legal analyst, which became the number one rated show in its time slot.
- Legal analyst in the number one rated radio program in Puerto Rico, “En la Mirilla” with Luis Dávila Colón. The above weekly appearance generated the creation of the first headline radio program called Analysis 630, which currently runs up to the present day with a different host.
- Had own radio program called “Decisión 2008 con el Lcdo. Alfredo Castellanos” every Sunday, does weekly political and economic analysis in the morning news in the number one rated news radio station in Puerto Rico and constantly participates in a weekly television program, as co-host in El “Tribunal Cristiano” (The Christian Court).
- In April 2013, received a recognition for many years of service to the Thurgood Marshall Memorial Competition The Federal Bar Association Young Lawyers Division.
- In April 2012, received a Certificate of Appreciation for the active participation as a final round judge in the Federal Bar Association’s 2012 Thurgood Marshall Moot Court Competition in Washington, DC.
- In September 2012, was honored as a Life Fellow of The Foundation of the Federal Bar Association, a distinction that very few practitioners and jurist are bestowed upon, which include four active Justices of the United States Supreme Court.
- Invited by the former Governor Luis Fortuño and President of the Senate Kenneth McClintock to be the Honorary Speaker of the official event commemorating The 60th Anniversary of the Constitution of The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
- In 2011, The Department of Correction and Rehabilitation through the Hon. Secretary Molina, recognized my contributions in the closing of a significant part of the Morales Feliciano’s case.
- In March 2009, received a Certificate of Appreciation for his participation as a final round judge in the 2009 Thurgood Marshall Moot Court Competition in Washington, DC.
- In 2008, was named “People 2 Watch” by “San Juan City Magazine” alongside Alejandro Garcia Padilla, current governor of Puerto Rico, elected in 2012, sworn in, January 2013.
- In March 2008, received a special recognition by the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico.
- In December 2007, received a Special Recognition by the Senate of Puerto Rico.
- In August, 2006, was honored as a Fellow of The Foundation of the Federal Bar Association .
- In February 1996, received a Special Recognition by the Senate of Puerto Rico.
- During the year 2008, joined the efforts of building an electronic library at the youth center of the church “Fuente de Agua Viva” of Bayamón.
- Provided help with superstar Marc Anthony to the victims of Huricane George.
- Sustaining sponsor of “Hogar de Niños Santa Teresita” in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, obtained the support of Miss Universe Denise Quiñones and latin rock star Alejandra Guzmán.
- Created a Scholarship Fund for economically disadvantaged law school students during presidency of Federal Bar, among other important charitable endeavors.
- Have rendered extensive pro-bono work through out his career.

Alfredo Castellanos Esq.
Founder, Castellanos Group P.S.C.
Attorney at Law, Mediator, Philanthropist, Scholar, Mediator-Arbitrator, Top Awarded Counsel and Consultant; JCC Federal Monitor, Special Master and Constitutional Professor
Approved in the Harvard Law School/MIT the Program of Advanced Mediation: Mediating Complex Disputes – completed June 2017
Accepted to the Harvard Law School/MIT Negotiation Master Class Advanced Strategies for Experienced Negotiators – completed March 2017
Completed the Harvard Law School/MIT Program of Negotiation from Harvard Law School’s Executive Education for Mediating Disputes and Negotiation Institute – October 2016
Admitted to practice law at:
- The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
- The Federal District Court for the District of Puerto Rico
- The Federal District Court for the District of Columbia
- The Federal District Court for the Northern District of Texas
- The First Circuit Court of Appeals
- The Second Circuit Court of Appeals
- The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
- The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
- The United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
- The United States Supreme Court
- The United States Court of Claims
- The United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (Admitted in a special Court Session held by the Chief Judge exclusively for Mr. Castellanos)