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Puerto Rico Constitution Day – July 25th, 2013

“One year ago a was the key note speaker of the official event of the 60th Anniversary of the Constitution. It was a unique privilege in my life. Today, a year later, the we must remember that the unfinished business of our struggle for our liberty and freedom as American citizens and as a community of citizens continues.

Their are some who may opt to celebrate the day by uttering empty and unfounded rhetoric and others may opt to listen to the same. I intend to reflect on how I can continue to contribute to our evolution in our National scheme of ordered liberties and I will partake on said endeavor thanking the Lord for our God given liberty rights. We have the map in our Constitution. Let us embark toward our destiny with no fear or reservation of thought. God permitting, it is our will and resolve that will ultimately prevail.

My best regards to all my friends from abroad. You are always in my thoughts and prayers no matter where I may find myself.”

Alfredo Castellanos

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